
Common Causes of a Roof Leak on Your Grand Rapids Michigan Home

No matter how old your roof is or what climate that you live in, you can be at risk of experiencing a leak. This is a problem that a lot of homeowners must deal with, but before you can fix the leak, it is important to understand why it happened in the first place. The reason might not be as obvious as you think. Several different factors can come into play that often lead up to the source of the leak. And although you may not be able to stop the roof leak that is currently happening on your home, you may be able to prevent future roof leaks on your home.

Common Causes of a Roof Leak on Your Grand Rapids Michigan Home

Most of the roofing that is installed on homes in Grand Rapids Michigan are called asphalt shingle roofing. They are installed using a layering technique which diverts water down the roof and into the gutter. And while these shingles can provide adequate protection for your home for some time, they will eventually age and fail. Knowing how long before your roof will fail can help you better understand the roof leak. For instance, if your roof is over 15 years old and the roofing materials you have installed on the home were designed to last 10 years then it’s likely more roof leaks will follow the latest roof leak. So if you have an older roof you may need a completely new roof install in Grand Rapids Michigan to fix the problem.  In either case, understanding your options and what went wrong with the roof will help. We’ll list some of the most common causes for a roof leak on your home below:

Common Causes of a Roof Leak on Your Grand Rapids Michigan Home

  1. Old Age

You have probably heard about the importance of maintaining your roof annually. Even though your roof should last you up to 20 years, depending on what it is made of, it is essential to check on its status every so often. A roof that is getting high in age will naturally be more susceptible to cracks and holes, which will eventually turn into leaks.

  1. Incorrect Material

Selecting the wrong roof material is another common mistake that can lead to problems later on down the road. Not only do you need to take into account what climate you live in, but you also must remember that the slope of your roof can determine the material needed. Shingles on a flat roof are generally a no-go. If a gust of wind hits at just the right angle, those shingles could be pulled off. Normally, this type of material is only used for roofs that are at least slightly sloped. Your contractor can help you determine exactly what type of material would be best.

  1. Gathered Debris

While it seems like an annoyance more than anything, piles of debris that gather on your roof can become a problem. This debris can trap in large amounts of moisture. Think about how that moisture just sits in the same spot on your roof — this is how a leak can easily form. The trapped moisture will weaken the integrity of the roof at an accelerated pace. Debris that is left on the roof for extended periods will also cause discoloration on the shingles where the debris was located.

  1. Clogged Gutters

Make sure that you are regularly maintaining your gutters. Failing to do so could also eventually lead you to leaking in your roof. When you clear away the debris that gathers, it needs a clear exit path; this is why the gutters are such an integral part of your roof maintenance system. When the gutters are too full to let anything pass through, this debris can build up much like the waste in your septic tank. Before it gets too full, make sure that you are clearing it as often as you can. It is especially important to check on the gutters after big storms hit or after the seasons change.

With all of these reasons in mind, you can see why having a plan for your roof maintenance is important. Being proactive about the quality and care of your roof can save you a lot of time and money for the future. Contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today for a comprehensive inspection.