
How to Decide Which Color Shingles You Should Use for Roof Replacement in Grand Rapids MI

The choices for roof replacement just a few decades ago were very limited. In reality there were about 5 or 6 different choices when it come to replacing your roof. Most roofing material manufactures offered a black, gray, charcoal, green, and red. There may have been a few other choices but for the most part, this was the choices from most of the major roofing material manufacturers. Today when you decide to replace your roof in Grand Rapids Michigan you have a huge selection of designs and colors to choose from. In fact, each roofing material manufacturer now has their own special color blends and designs that you can choose from. This abundance of choice can create a bit of a problem however for some people. Understanding how roofing material colors impact your home’s appearance and energy efficiency can help you better choose the perfect color for your home. Here are some tips to help you decide the perfect color for your roof in Grand Rapids Michigan. 

How to Decide Which Color Shingles You Should Use for Roof Replacement in Grand Rapids MI

Replacing your roof in Grand Rapids Michigan can be exciting. After all, you get to design a major element in your home. One of the things that most homeowners have trouble deciding is the color of their roof replacement. That being said, here is a short guide on how you can decide which roof replacement color is right for you.

How to Decide Which Color Shingles You Should Use for Roof Replacement in Grand Rapids MI

Environment & Climate

Most homeowners are unaware that the color of their roof actually plays an important role in how their roof heats and cools their home. For example, since black absorbs heat, it’s a great roof replacement color for someone who lives in an area that experiences extreme cold weather.

On the other hand, people who live in a warmer climate should consider a lighter colored roof, such as light brown or gray. If you live in a moderate climate, you could choose virtually any color. If you’re confused about which color is right for the area you live, just consult your roof contractor.

Coordinating Colors

Your home’s overall aesthetic should play an important role in which roof replacement color you choose. Start by examining the external elements of your home, such as your shutters and windows. If you’re not replacing any of these elements, then you should consider matching the color of your roof with the color pallet of the other elements. This will help ensure that your home’s design aesthetic isn’t “busy”.


Colors can shape how your home looks. In other words, a darker roof will make your home look a little smaller. On the other hand, a lighter roof will make your home look a little bigger. Certain colors also look better with specific architectural styles. For example, a tile roof is the perfect option for a stucco home.

Don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed with matching your roof replacement color with your home’s architecture. Simple, consult your roof contractor about which roof color is right for the style of your home.

Homeowner’s Association Regulations

If you live in a community that has a homeowner’s association, you should check if they have any rules or regulations about roofing colors. Sometimes, homeowner’s associations require homes to have specific styles in certain colors. This helps keep the community appear cohesive.

In other words, you might only be allowed to have a neutral colored roof. If you go against your homeowner’s association rules, you risk having to pay a fine to your association, as well as going through the trouble of getting your roof repainted and possibly even replaced.

Online Inspiration

If you’re having a hard time deciding which roof replacement color is right for you, then consider looking online for inspiration. You can find inspiration for your roof color on a variety of websites, such as Pinterest. Once you find some inspiration, show your roof contractor pictures so they can adjust it to adequately suit your roof and home.

For more information about roof replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan and the design specifics of choosing a new roof installation, contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today. We offer free estimates on new roof installation in Grand Rapids Michigan.