
What Can Cause Roof Leaks in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Roof leaks in Grand Rapids Michigan can be caused by one single incident or a culmination of several incidents. They are more often than not caused by the culmination of aging, weather, poor maintenance and one unfortunate event like a tree falling on the roof. The good news is, fixing a roof leak generally has minimal costs. However, if you do not catch it fast water damage from a roof leak can run you into a much larger expense quickly.

What Can Cause Roof Leaks in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Specific Things That Cause Roof Leaks

What Can Cause Roof Leaks in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Missing Shingles

  • Asphalt shingles are the most common in America. They also have a propensity to get knocked off or torn away by adverse weather conditions or kicked off during routine roof maintenance. This only needs to happen in the right place to cause a leak. On top of that, damage to the material underneath the shingles by either rot or things like hail or debris can knock a leak in your roof.

Adverse Weather

  • The second most likely suspect is adverse weather. Though it could be said that this is what caused the ‘missing shingle’ scenario, it is important to realize that where a missing shingle is likely to cause a leak over time, adverse weather such as hail, snow and heavy rain could do it overnight.

Scars Of Technology Past

  • Chances are your roof is older than you. Due to this your roof has some memories of a time when everyone had television antennas and even a few had CB radios. Though these devices have been removed with their antennas to make way for your satellite dish, it is likely the holes were sealed instead of built over. There is a chance that someone simply forgot to seal them at all.


  • This is one that tends to be forgotten on articles such as this. Depending on where you live, animals can cause leaks in your roof. This could be rodents, weasels and even a few different species of insects. What likely would happen is one of these critters either burrow their way from the top down or the bottom up, destroying your insulation along the way.


  • Roofs accumulate debris over time. Debris generally won’t knock a leak in your roof right away, but it will eventually cause moss, rot, and water or snow build-up that will greatly speed up the aging process of your roof. Debris build up is going to happen one way or another, but it is the easiest scenario to avoid.

Improper Installation

  • You may have been doomed to a roof leak from the start. The number one reason for roof leaks in America is improperly installed flashing on things like chimneys and seams, or badly sealed skylights and roof appliances. This may be by your hand or the guy before you, but ensure a contractor checks these things when you are moving in.

Badly Maintained Gutter System

  • Gutters may seem slightly arbitrary, but they are in fact one of the largest parts of roof care. Absent or poorly maintained gutters can lead to debris build-ups that put your roof at a high risk of aging rapidly.

Time To Replace The Roof

  • Roofs are not designed to last forever. Depending on the materials they are built from a roof is designed to last anywhere between twenty and a hundred or so years. Conditions such as debris build up and harsh weather can speed up the aging process. If you are spending thousands of dollars a year to maintain your roof, it might be time to get on the phone.

How To Avoid Roof Leaks

 Though it is impossible to stop random acts of nature or make your roof bulletproof to harsh weather conditions, avoiding a leak is as easy as a little vigilance and periodic roof maintenance. This maintenance can be as simple as hiring a roof cleaner or having a contractor come out for a couple hours of work to replace some missing shingles. Whatever you do, please be careful. Roof work is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and is best left to professionals.

It Happens

Roof leaks in Grand Rapids Michigan are a fact of home ownership. For whatever reason, it probably will happen in the time you spend in your home. These leaks alone may only seem bothersome but when left to their own devices they can cause damage that will mold your ceiling and wreak havoc from the top to the bottom of your home. If you are having a current issue related to your roof or anything else, please contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today!