
Roof Repair Tips for Grand Rapids Michigan Home Owners

When your roof starts to leak getting it repaired as quickly as possible is a must. In fact, the longer you decide to let a roof leak the more damage it can do to the interior of your home. Both in terms of damage to the home’s interior and the fact that the leak could promote mold growth in your home. That’s why having a roofing contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan that can quickly come to your home, inspect the problem, and offer roof repair services is a must. In this article I’ll discuss some of the roof repair tips that you can do to help protect your home from more damage if your roof fails and starts to leak while you wait on a roofing contractor to come out and make repairs.

Roof Repair Tips for Grand Rapids Michigan Home Owners

When a roof leak occurs it’s usually a small leak at first and it gets larger and larger over time. Unless your home’s roof was damaged in a storm such as by a falling tree or other catastrophic failure having a roof leak is usually quite small to begin with. One way you may notice when it rains is a brown spot on the ceiling. This is typically a tell tale sign that you have a roof leak and if you don’t get roof repair on your Grand Rapids Michigan home chances are it will get larger and larger. Dealing with a roof leak as quickly as you can is a must if you want to protect the interior of your home.

This is typically a tell tale sign that you have a roof leak and if you don’t get roof repair on your Grand Rapids Michigan home chances are it will get larger and larger. Dealing with a roof leak as quickly as you can is a must if you want to protect the interior of your home.

Attempt To Trap the Water Leaking with Pots or Buckets

When you notice your roof is leaking it’s usually because it has already penetrated the attic and ceiling in a room. In order to prevent as much damage as possible you’ll need to place containers in the area where the leak is. You may need to remove furniture from the area in order to trap the water. Trapping water like this can keep it from damaging the floor and if your home has several floors it can also damage ceilings and floors on lower levels.

Roof Repair Tips for Grand Rapids Michigan Home Owners

Remove Electronics and Furniture

You’ll also need to remove items that are easily damaged by water such as electronics or furniture. Do not attempt to remove electrical items that are connected and wet. The risk of electric shock with these items is present and you  can be severely injured or even killed by electric shock. Be sure the power is turned off for the room at the electrical panel before removing any items that are already wet or sitting in water. Chances are that most items that are electrical in nature are already damaged by this point.

Make a Call to a Roofing Contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan

Roofing contractors that offer emergency roofing services may be able to attach temporary barriers on your home’s roof in order to protect it. Usually, once the weather clears and the roof can be properly assessed a more permanent fix is installed to protect your home. Don’t wait until your home is severely damaged to call for help with your roof, it should be one of your first calls when you notice the roof leak.

Don’t Attempt to Do Roof Repair Yourself

Each and every year home owners are injured and even killed from attempting to do roof repairs themselves. Going on your roof is extremely dangerous and should only be done by qualified professionals who are trained to do so. This is especially true in bad weather and when the roofing surface is wet. Trying to do roof repairs yourself just to save a few dollars isn’t worth risking your life for.


Look for Roof Damage on Your Home Before it Leaks

Just because your roof isn’t leaking doesn’t mean it’s in good shape. After a storm be sure to take a look at your roof and the exterior yard on your home. Many times roof damage is caused by shingles that break away from the roof. These shingles can be broken and blown onto the ground and there will also be discolored spots on the roof that you’ll see. When you find these parts of shingles on the ground chances are you have roof damage even if your roof isn’t leaking yet. If you find problems like this on your home be sure to get a roof inspection done to prevent damage from occurring on your home.