
Learn More About the Life Cycle of Shingle Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

Replacing a roof is indeed a significant investment. It is one that most homeowners go through at least one time during their home ownership. Therefore, it’s only natural to wonder just how long your shingle roof in Grand Rapids Michigan will last, as it is a costly home improvement project. 

Learn More About the Life Cycle of Shingle Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

There isn’t any set formula when it comes to the lifespan of a roof. However, most manufacturer warranties guarantee asphalt shingles for a period of 15 to 30 years usually. Why such a large span?

“The actual roof system lifespan is something that is determined by different factors. Some of these factors do include local climatic and environmental conditions. It also includes proper building and roof system design, material quality and suitability. Proper application and adequate roof maintenance are also crucial to have. These are notes that come courtesy of National Roofing Contractors Association or NRCA for short.

The fact is this, from the time a new roof is finished, it starts to age. The roof on a home is exposed to tons of things in the harsh environment and its conditions. The very same can be said about weather troubles. Some of these woes do include sunlight, wind, moisture from the rain, hail, snow, and other physical threats. These physical threats can consist of falling tree limbs, stray soccer balls, and wildlife like squirrels and birds can also promote premature aging of a roofing system.

Learn More About the Life Cycle of Shingle Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

How long can a shingle roof last? If you want to get all that you have put into your investment, it helps to understand the three stages that go along with the life-cycle of a shingle roof system.

Are All about The Life-cycle of a Shingle Roof

Beginning Stage: A New Roof

How long does the new roof phase last? The answer is roughly about two years. It begins just as soon as the last shingle is nailed to the roof in place. The new roof cycle is known as being the life-cycle and is a period of quick aging initially. It’s also known as being the curling phase.

From now until up to a year after installation, homeowners might decide to take notice of the significant granule loss, and notice curling is taking place along the edges of some of the shingles. The curling is clearly evident during a cold weather snap. Minor blistering can even happen. Don’t worry about it. It’s perfectly reasonable for this to occur. It’s healthy and temporary. It’s just the new roof adjusting to the harsh environment and weather conditions that it is continuously being exposed to overall. The thing to always take into consideration first is the sound integrity of the roof itself. So long as there are no leaks, there’s no real cause to get too worried or concerned.

Stage Number Two – A Mid-life Roof

Once the initial curling phase takes place, a shingle roof goes into an extended period of aging, and this aging takes place slowly. It lasts for the remainder of the shingles’ natural life and is about 12 to 15 years. Some of the signs of this normal aging include a minor loss of granules, some cracking, and other signs of weathering. These signs aren’t significant and shouldn’t be cause for concern.
What is the important thing for homeowners to remember during this sort of quiet stage of a roof’s life-cycle is to maintain roof maintenance? Regular inspections, either once a year or twice a year, and support are critical things to make sure that all of the several roofing components are performing as they should be. It will guarantee your roofing investment will surely last a long time.

When doing an inspection of your roof, you do want to determine that your roof, gutters, and vent openings are free of any debris. Debris can be anything from leaves to tree limbs. You should also check for moss, mildew, or any mold too. One sure sign of moisture getting into the surface of your roof are these things. Make sure to treat any affected areas with a roof moss remover spray or cleaner that comes from your local hardware store. You can even try this DIY version that comes from This Old House. Try to look for, as well as, secure any lifted or loose shingles. Give the flashing a quick scan and tighten up any bolts, if necessary.

Try to remember, any small defects are something that can lead to major repairs, and they can compromise the whole roofing system and put a massive dent in your wallet. Sometimes, even a warranty can’t protect a homeowner from having to shoulder the responsibility of a roofing system that has been ill-maintained. Some warranties can be voided out in the event of extended neglect being present.

Stage Number Three: An Old Roof

From 12 to 15 years, the roof on a home is entering its declining years, the aging process is something that can go very fast. It Is during this stage in a roof’s life-cycle that homeowners do need to think about getting a new roof installation replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Sooner or later, the roof on your home will need to be replaced, and that is usually due to the long-term effects of weathering. If a residential roof in Grand Rapids Michigan is over 20 years old, it is a  prime candidate for a new roof installation. Grand Rapids Home Pros can install a new roof on your Grand Rapids Michigan home quickly and give you an excellent warranty. Contact us today for more details and a free estimate.