Furnace Replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan

Getting a new furnace installed is sometimes a must. But there are some options that are available if you’re getting furnace replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan. I’ll go over some of the options that are available in replacement furnaces and help you decide which is right for you.

Furnace Replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan

Being comfortable in your home is important. There’s nothing quite like coming home and relaxing in your easy chair while watching television and enjoying a nice temperature that’s exactly where you like it in a home. But when something happens and your HVAC system goes down that relaxing dream can turn into a nightmare. And that warm evening at home may have just turned into a freezing night because your furnace isn’t working properly. When this happens and the unit is beyond repair you may want to get furnace replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan.

What You’ll Need to Look for In a Replacement Furnace

The first thing that you’ll want to consider is the size of your old unit compared to the size of your new furnace. When getting furnace replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan it’s important to get the same size or larger furnace than your old furnace. The heat rating is measured in British Thermal Unit or BTU for short. A BTU is a unit of measure for an energy unit. It’s the approximate energy that is needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit which is 1,055 joules. Furnaces are usually measured into the thousands of BTU. So if your current furnace is 20,000 BTU then using a 15,000 BTU furnace will not work correctly in your home and it will burn much more energy trying to keep up with the heating needs.

Furnace Replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan

Getting a smaller BTU furnace is not advisable but going with a larger unit can sometimes work. The air output of the furnace will need to be considered since your current duct work may not be able to properly vent a much larger furnace. Small changes should not matter however. You’ll need to speak with the installer about the replacement unit and see if it will use the same ducting. You can also check the model of the furnace you’re installing and see what size duct and how much air mass it will move in order to get the furnace working at maximum optimal performance. Be sure to see our latest article on installing a new furnace in Grand Rapids Michigan for more details.

Install a Humidifier With the New Furnace

With the winter months comes cooler weather. With this cooler weather our furnaces work hard to keep the air inside your home warm. But during this process it’s common for the furnace to dehumidify the air. During times when you’re getting furnace replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan it’s a good idea to look into a humidifier to be installed alongside the furnace. Since the humidifier can be installed in line with the furnace you won’t need to worry about additional installation charges because some furnaces use an add on humidifier.

During times when you’re getting furnace replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan it’s a good idea to look into a humidifier to be installed alongside the furnace.

Check the Air Flow Of Each Room

Another area of concern when getting a new furnace installed in Grand Rapids Michigan is the balance of air in the home. If you have areas in your home which are cooler or warmer than other areas in the home you may want to address this with the replacement furnace you’re getting installed. Making changes to air duct work and vents are much easier when the unit has been removed such as with a replacement furnace installation. Check the temperature in each room and see if they are within a few degrees and if they aren’t be sure to check into adding vents or registers in doors or walls. You can also decide to get a zoned HVAC system which can help heat and cool rooms more efficiently.

Get the Most Energy Efficient Furnace and Save for Years to Come

Today’s furnaces are made with some really innovative energy efficiency technologies. Take advantage of these technologies and get a furnace that will save you money on energy bills for years to come. Check the energy rating of the furnace to know just how energy efficient it is and you can base your choice on that.