
Everything You Need to Know About Wind Damage on Your Roof in Grand Rapids Michigan

Chances are your Grand Rapids Michigan home most likely endures a substantial amount of wind throughout the year. Of course, wind can gradually damage your roof in Grand Rapids Michigan. That being said, it’s important to understand what exactly happens when your roof has wind damage, and what you can do to resolve the damage. So, continue reading to find out everything you need to know about wind damage on your roof!

Everything You Need to Know About Wind Damage on Your Roof in Grand Rapids Michigan

One of the biggest problems for roofing or any exterior component of your home is the weather. While rain, snow, and ice can certainly cause problems for the roof especially when considering what happens when you have a roof leak the biggest problem that most people never consider is the wind. Wind is typically the reason roof damages occur and once the damage has been done to the roof it starts to allow a roof leak to develop. Being able to protect your roof from wind gives you a better chance at your roof protecting your home. Here are some ways that wind can damage your roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan and what you can do about it.

Everything You Need to Know About Wind Damage on Your Roof in Grand Rapids Michigan

Acute vs Incremental Roof Damage

There are two kinds of roof damage that’s caused by wind. The first kind of roof wind damage is acute. Acute roof damage is a direct result from high winds that have caused branches to fall or roof shingles to move or have cosmetic damages. In other words, acute roof damage occurs when high winds directly affect your roof.

On the other hand, incremental roof damage occurs after shingles have gradually weakened from years of withstanding high winds. Although incremental roof damage essentially happens over time, it is potentially more hazardous and expensive to fix because broken and aging shingles can cause severe roof and structural damage. As shingle roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan gets older it becomes more susceptible to incremental roof damage.

How to Prevent Wind Damage

You can’t control the weather, which is why there are only two things you can do to prevent wind damage. The first thing is to hire an experienced and trustworthy roofing contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan. With a reputable roofing contractor, you will have peace of mind knowing your roof is adequately installed and the most renowned materials are being used.

That brings us to the second thing you can do to prevent wind damage. It’s extremely important that you use wind resistant materials. For example, the shingles you choose should be able to withstand the wind levels in your neighborhood. If you want assistance choosing shingles, ask your local contractor for help.

Understand Warranty Coverage

Most reputable roofing contractors in Grand Rapids Michigan and the manufacturers offer some type of warranty coverage. It’s important to understand the difference between material, labor, and total protection warranties.

Material warranties only cover the materials that were used to build your roof. Like most warranties, material warranties often have a time limit that expires within a few years and coverage that is only applicable to certain circumstances. It’s important to note that material warranties often come from the manufacturer and do not cover any of the labor costs.

On the other hand, labor warranties often come from the contractor you hired. These warranties cover certain services you might need to do to your roof in the event damage occurs. It’s important to note that labor warranties only cover the cost of labor. So, you will still have to assume responsibility of the price of new materials.

Lastly, a total protection warranty covers as much as possible. Total protection warranties integrate a material warranty with a labor warranty. In other words, the cost of some repairs will be completely covered in a total protection warranty. So, you won’t have to worry about paying for labor or materials.

For more information about warranties, or anything else related to roof wind damage, be sure to contact Grand Rapids Home Pros. We can help you repair your roof or replace the roof if needed. Contact us today to get a free estimate on your roofing project in Grand Rapids Michigan.