
Does Your Home Need Roof Repair in Grand Rapids Michigan?

With the snow beginning to melt here in Grand Rapids Michigan it means that spring is just around the corner. Warmer weather will soon be here and along with that warmer weather is usually rain and thunderstorms which can damage your home’s roof. Making sure your roof is in good working order is a must if you want to prevent damage to the inside of your home. Having a roofing contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan come to your home and do a roof inspection can help you determine if your roof is in good working order. Or course, there are some signs that you should look for as a home owner to determine just what shape your roof is in which we’ll cover in this article. 

Does Your Home Need Roof Repair in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Finding a small problem on your roof as soon as it happens is not a big of a problem as you might think. When damage has occurred on your roof and you’re able to locate that damage before the next rainfall it’s usually a simple roof repair project. Unfortunately, for most home owners, they never realize they have damage on the roof until they see the water coming into the home leaking from the roof. Typically by this point there are damages that are occurring on the interior of the home and if the leak continues long enough you may even have mold growth inside the home. Being able to determine the roof leak occurred quickly and get it repaired means you can avoid all these additional costs. I’ve listed some things that you’ll want to consider if you want to protect the roof on your home and make sure it is ready for the warmer weather ahead in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Has There Been a Storm in Your Neighborhood?

Storms can occur at any time of year. Typically, when a roof is damaged in a storm it’s usually because of high winds in the storm. These high winds are usually associated with summer and spring weather which is why it is so important to make sure your roof is ready for this warmer weather. Snow and ice can damage a roof but it is usually because of buildup or an ice dam forming on the roof which can take some time to build. Falling debris can also damage the roof such as tree branches that fall into the roofing surface. However, for more roof problems the cause is wind that blows the shingles on the home and breaks them which can leave your roofing exposed. You may even find pieces of asphalt shingles on the ground around your home.

Does Your Home Need Roof Repair in Grand Rapids Michigan? Does Your Home Need Roof Repair in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Have You Noticed Stains on Your Ceilings or Walls?

One sign that you have some type of leaking water situation in your home is stains on the ceilings. Although these stains can be caused by a variety of reasons one of the most common is that you have a roof leak on your home. The stains will usually be a brownish color and also moist to the touch. Even if the moisture is not present the stain will remain in most cases.

Is There Damage to the Shingles on Your Home?

Although we don’t recommend going on your roof and doing a roof inspection yourself looking for damaged areas on the roof you can look at your roof from ground level. There may be obvious signs of damage on your home’s roof that has not started to leak yet. Simply take a quick walk around your home and look for these signs of damage on the roof. you can typically spot problems from the ground level on homes with an average pitched roof. If you see a suspect problem you may be able to use a drone or binoculars to get a better look. It is not advised to go on your roof however because it is extremely dangerous.

Get a Roof Inspection on Your Home and Determine if it’s in Good Working Order

If you’ve noticed any of the problems listed above on your home’s roof be sure to call Grand Rapids Home Pros today for a roof inspection. A roof inspection can help to determine just what shape your home’s roof is in and f there are any problems you should be worried about on your home’s roof.