
Roof Replacement Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Maintaining your home’s roof is very important. A small roof leak that occurs on your roof may not seem like a big deal but once it starts damaging other areas of your home you can quickly realize just how the costs can start to add up. Sometimes a roof leak can occur on your home and you don’t even realize it. For a roof leak to continue leaking water into your home it can cause many problems and the biggest of those problems is likely going to be mold growth. Finding out that you have a roofing problem quickly can save money as well. Here are some warning signs that your Grand Rapids Michigan home may have a roof leak and what you should do about it. 

Roof Replacement Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your roof is one of the most important component of your home; it never stops sheltering you. And when there is a problem it can lead to all sorts of damages. Keeping track of when to replace it is an important duty to consider as a homeowner. In between replacements, it is also advised to maintain general upkeep.

Roof Replacement Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Know What to Look For

Before determining if you need to repair or replace your roof, you must know the signs to look for. There are several ways that your roof can express distress, even some that you might overlook on an average day.

Aging: This is an obvious factor that comes into play; the age of your roof matters in correlation with durability. Given proper maintenance, your roof should be able to easily last for decades. The easiest way to spot visible damage is to look for any breakage of tiles, cracks, mold spots, and general wear and tear. If you notice any of these things, calling your local contractor for an inspection would be a good first step to potential repairs.

Curling: Asphalt shingles are amongst the most popular for roofing materials. They are cheap, generally easy to have installed. With two layers to each shingle, they are resistant to extreme temperatures and storms. Over time, it is important to see if the shingles begin peeling or flaking. This separation can start to happen, sometimes leading to leaks and molding.

Buckling: With wind and storming, it is possible for your roof to change shape. This occurrence of your roof beginning to cave in is called buckling. As expected, this can become a huge danger given that it is not repaired fast enough. If you start to notice any change in the shape of your shingles, it might be time to replace your roof.

Chimney Damage: If your home has a chimney, this is one factor that can definitely be related to exterior roof damage.Your chimney flashing must be solid, because it provides a seal between your fireplace and your roof. Most flashing is comprised of either copper, aluminium, or galvanized steel, all of which can become susceptible to damage that is done by snow and water.

Loose Particles: Shingles can begin to crumble after years of wear and tear. These particles are known as granules, and they can appear similar to coarse sand. Granules can begin to build up along the edges of your roof, easy to overlook. They can also start to gather in your gutters and around your home’s perimeter. If you notice large piles, contact a local contractor for a proper inspection.

Leaks: Water damage is persistent and can often sneak up on you. Storms aren’t the only causes of water damage. Leakage from pipes and gutters can also create problems for the structure of your roof. Even if you do not see a leak initially, you may be able to identify it by a musty smell or a stain first.

Holes: This one is probably the most apparent cause — If you see holes starting to form in your roof, take action right away. A small hole that can be filled will often cause problems as the years go on. Contact your local contractor to stop the problem from persisting.

Get a Roof Inspection on Your Home

If you suspect your home has a problem on the roof it’s always best to get a roof inspection. Contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today to schedule your roof inspection and make sure your roof is going to protect your home this winter.