
Common Problems with DIY Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

For experienced roofing companies such as Grand Rapids Home Pros, a new roof can be installed on a home in as little as a single day. This can almost tempt many homeowners to consider doing the roofing work themselves especially if the problem seems small on the roof. Roof leaks can occur at any time for a variety of reasons and if you’re thinking about doing the roof repair in Grand Rapids Michigan yourself, you can create even more problems. Here are some of the biggest problems you may face when you attempt to DIY roof projects on your home.

Common Problems with DIY Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

Since the age of the internet, much of the information to help with things like roof repair is readily available. There are loads of videos, articles, and even television shows that are available which teach you something about home improvement projects such as roofing. And while there is a lot of information in some of these mediums the one thing they all have in common is that it’s always a best-case scenario. Many times the problems of DIY is not included because let’s face it, everyone thinks their project will go exactly as planned. There are some common problems that you’ll experience when attempting DIY roof repair however which we’ll cover below:

Common Problems with DIY Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

DIY Roofing Is Dangerous

One of the more dangerous jobs in the United States is roofing. Roofers can fall from the roof and be seriously injured or even killed. And that is for qualified and experienced roofers that are working on the roof. Without the proper safety equipment and training when you go onto your home’s roof you are putting yourself in a lot of danger. A fall from the roof can be fatal and you should not attempt this. There are many hidden dangers on the roof which may be present that you are not aware of such as weakened roof decking. It’s simply not worth the risk to go onto your home’s roof.

You Can Damage the Roof Aesthetically

The roof on your home is one factor that influences the curb appeal of your home. Increase the curb appeal of your home and you’ll increase it’s value. However, when you attempt your own roof repairs you may damage the roof in some way that actually decreases the curb appeal on your home. Depending on how much you damage the roof aesthetically will determine just how much your home’s value will go down. And if you’re planning on selling your home and the potential buyers see improper roof repairs have been done it can drastically cut down the value of your home. Hiring a professional roofer will keep your home’s value intact plus the roof leak is repaired.

You Can Void Your Roofing Warranty

The roof on your home is likely protected by a warranty if it’s less than 15 years old. Most roofing manufacturers offer warranties of a specific number of years for the roof. However, when you attempt your own roof repairs you may cause problems on the roof that actually void the warranty on the roof. Many times, the roof may be under warranty and you might not even realize. Check your paperwork for details about the warranty of your home’s roof.

You can Cause Even More Damage

Attempting your own roof repairs may void the warranty on your roof but it can also mean you cause even more damage on your home’s roof. Many times the biggest problem of homeowners who DIY roofing projects is that they create even more problems on the roof. What may start as a simple roof repair can turn into a full-blown disaster in some cases. If you don’t have the experience and training to affect your own roof repairs then it’s best to leave it to certified roofing experts such as Grand Rapids Home Pros.

Get a Roof Inspection on your Roof

In order to get a better idea of the problems that may be on your home’s roof it’s best to start with a roof inspection on your home. At Grand Rapids Home Pros we can inspect your roof and deal with any problems that need to be addressed. We have fully qualified roofers who are ready to help so you don’t have to DIY your roof. Contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today for more details.