
When is the Best Time to Get a Roof Inspection in Grand Rapids Michigan?

One of the ways to go about preserving your roof and getting the most extended service life from it is by having a roof inspection done regularly. The roof inspection should be completed by a professional roofing contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan who knows how to fix minor issues before they turn into significant problems. Nonetheless, there is a matter of when the inspection should be taken care of, and that is just as equally important. You should have the roof inspected at an ideal time that can assist with preparing and equipping it for the months ahead. You should also know about developing issues that exist before they become something of a more severe problem when you may least want them to.

When is the Best Time to Get a Roof Inspection in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Seasons Do Have Major Impact

If you were to ask any average homeowner what season is the most difficult on their roof, they would probably replay by saying “winter” is. Why is that? It is because of heavy rains, lots of snowfall, ice and ice dams, and the very freezing cold nights that do add much stress to a roof’s materials. There is also the matter of plenty of water exposure. Water is something that can rot away at the roof’s structure if it is left unattended. Therefore, homeowners aren’t necessarily wrong when they do say this, but often don’t think about the other side of the spectrum.

Summer isn’t usually known for having heavy rainfall, but it is known for endless hours of daylight, overwhelming heat, and vast amounts of ultraviolet radiation. The UV radiation is very harsh on anything that is left out in the sun day after day, and the roof is no exception. Have you ever witnessed how a plastic plant pot gets crusty, brittle, and starts to fall apart with even a slight touch after being outside roughly a year outdoors? It is the effect of UV radiation. A homeowner’s roof in Grand Rapids Michigan can sustain impact in the same way, but only it is made of materials that aren’t as prone to damage.

When is the Best Time to Get a Roof Inspection in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Nonetheless, summer can have up and down temperature fluctuations, which include warming up to the tremendous heat of the day and then cooling off again when the sun goes down. This process is entirely reasonable. However, over time, continual expansion and contraction combined with the effects of UV radiation can cause materials to wear out. They become brittle to create all sorts of troubles. For instance, roofing tiles can crack, panels start to become misaligned, and shingles will warp and curl with time. It is something that becomes very apparent towards the end of summer-time after months of heat and sun exposure have indeed taken their toll.

Some homeowners may not realize that this type of damage has happened to their roof. The fact is, a lot of these developing problems are tiny, and a person can’t even spot them without doing a thorough inspection. However, when you do notice them, they can be located quite quickly with the first sign of rain, as cracks and shifting have made leaks. These leaks have water flowing through them, causing the interior of the roof to get wet and to warp, encouraging mold colonies to grow, and lots more.

So, summer causes the damage, and winter accentuates them by turning the problems into something more serious such as leaks. These extremes are both very hard on a roof.

When Should a Roof Be Inspected?

Timing is a critical factor when it comes to caring for your roof. An example of this would be, for instance, if you did discover a severe roof leak. You must get the repair taken care of quickly as it will prevent the problem from getting worse and becoming a much bigger issue. The very same can is in saying about your roofing inspections. You not only want to make sure to catch as much damage as is possible, but you want to make sure to be ready for the coming months that are ahead of you.

Because of this reason, it’s best to have a roof inspection done during the fall months, usually somewhere between the end of September and the start of November. It is best to let a professional spot any possible signs of damage before the first significant rainfall of the season can produce some potentially devastating leaks. If anything does require attention, professional XYZ roofers can usually offer the homeowner an estimate for repairs on-site. The forecast for these repairs on-site can get you the services you need right away.  It will keep your home protected and able to withstand the soon-to-come arrival of wet winter weather.

Now’s the time to schedule a roof inspection appointment. You can contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today to request your roof inspection in Grand Rapids Michigan or to talk to someone qualified to arrange repairs to be done for your roofing issues.