
Should You Get Your Roof Inspected in Grand Rapids Michigan Annually?

Since most of us never think about the roof on our homes there can be problems that creep up from time to time. These problems can develop into a roof leak but sometimes takes some time to develop to that point. Getting a roof inspection can many times locate these problems and you’re able to get them repaired by a qualified roofing contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan before they do any damage to the inside of your home. Of course, that is, if you get routine roof inspections on your home. Many roofers recommend getting an annual roof inspection on your home to locate any potential problems. Even for roofing that was installed just a few years ago, there are many threats that your roof faces daily and ensuring it is in good working order is crucial to maintaining your home.

Should You Get Your Roof Inspected in Grand Rapids Michigan Annually?

Since there are many different types of roofing systems used today it can be difficult to get a clear answer from many experts about when the best time to get a roof inspection is, or how often you should get one on your home. For shingle roofing many of the experts (Grand Rapids Home Pros included), agree that 5 years after a new roof installation a roof inspection should be done, then annual roof inspections should be done on the home’s roof. This can ensure that any problems that start to show on the roof doesn’t get out of hand and cause damage to the home. Since most roofing shingles are designed to last 15 years or more you’ll certainly want to get a roof inspection if it’s been over 10 years since your roof was installed. Here are some more tips when it comes to getting a roof inspection on your Grand Rapids Michigan home.

Should You Get Your Roof Inspected in Grand Rapids Michigan Annually?

Roof Inspections as a DIY Project

Many signs of damage can appear for weeks, months, sometimes even years on the roof. A homeowner can sometimes find these problems but it’s important to realize that experience will play a huge role in locating roofing problems on your home’s roof. Plus, you may get injured by falling from the roof or do more damage to the roof simply by walking on it with improper equipment. It’s not worth the risk to your roof or yourself to do your own roof inspections. You can observe from the ground or by using a drone however which is certainly encouraged.

When Was the Last Time The Roof Was Inspected

Roof inspections can help locate problems on the roof but these roof inspections need to be done at equal intervals. Here at Grand Rapids Home Pros we recommend getting a roof inspection annually so if it’s been more than a year since you have had a roof inspection on your home be sure to get it inspected to locate any problems on the roof.

Is There Signs of Damage on the Roof?

If you look at your roof from the ground level you can usually see signs of damage, that is, if it is damaged. Missing shingles and dark spots on the roof are a tell tale sign that there is a problem. Be sure to call a qualified roofing contractor if you suspect that there is damage on your home’s roof.

When There is a Problem on the Roof

Sometimes a roof leak can occur on your home’s roof no matter how many roof inspections you get. Weather and storm damage can occur at any time especially when there is high winds associated with the storm. Falling branches is one problem where damage can occur on the roof. While a roof inspection can’t really help with this problem it can help with other problems such as locating problem areas on the roof which are more susceptible to damage from weather. The roof inspection may also include information about tree trimming that may be required to help protect your roof as well. While a roof inspection may not prevent all problems with your home’s roof, it is certainly worth getting one each and every year to prevent many of the problems that we see regularly here in Grand Rapids Michigan when it comes to roofing. Be sure to contact Grand Rapids Home Pros today to schedule a roof inspection for your Grand Rapids Michigan home.