
Need a Roof Replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan? Don’t Miss These Warning Signs

I’m sure every homeowner knows how important their roof is and how much it does to protect our homes and loved ones, however the price of a new roof in Grand Rapids Michigan can turn homeowners away. A new roof replacement is estimated to cost around $7,000, however this can fluctuate depending on a few factors, but it’s no surprise homeowners don’t want to spend this type of money when repairs can be way cheaper. But when you’re constantly getting repairs done, the money adds up to even more than what a new roof would have cost.

Need a Roof Replacement in Grand Rapids Michigan? Don’t Miss These Warning Signs

So when it comes to the roof of your home, you have to really determine if a roof replacement is really required or if it really does just need a simple repair done. Knowing the signs that indicate you need a new roof is crucial for homeowners to know, this saves you plenty of stress by knowing if it’s time for a new roof replacement. We always advise homeowners to have their roofs replaced by a professional roofing company as DIY roofing is typically a bad idea. If you don’t properly install your new roof, you’ll end up having plenty of problems. So here are the most common signs you need a new roof replacement done to your home.

Roofing Grand Rapids Michigan

Your Roofs Age

Every roof comes with an estimated lifespan, typically asphalt shingles last anywhere from 20 to 30 years depending on the maintenance done to it. If your roof has surpassed 20 years, then it may be time for you to have a professional inspection done to determine if your roof has more years to come or if it needs to be replaced. Over the years, shingles can certainly take the beating and with lack of maintenance, you can shorten your roofs lifespan, so keep up with proper maintenance.

Roof Has Damaged Shingles

Shingles can become damaged from various reasons, damaged shingles such as missing shingles or broken shingles can leave your roof vulnerable to water damage, roof leaks, and more. If one or two shingles are damaged, this doesn’t mean you have to get a new roof replacement done to your homes roof. But if you notice a lot of shingles around your roof in different areas that are damaged, this may be an indication that they’re becoming too old and deteriorating so a new roof replacement may be required.

Roof Leak in Grand Rapids MI

Dark Stains In Your Home

Dark stains on your ceiling is an indication your roof has sprung a roof leak and it’s seeped down to your ceiling, this can also happen to your walls as well. If this happens, your roof has a problem and needs to be addressed by a professional roofing expert. This doesn’t always mean you need a new roof replacement done, but if it’s multiple areas in your home with dark stains, then it may be time for a new roof replacement.

Massive Amounts Of Granules

Granules are the top protective layer on shingles, this helps the under layers from becoming destroyed. Little amounts of granule loss is alright for most roofs, but if you notice massive amounts of it in your gutters or downspouts, then it could be that your shingles are old and need replacing. The sun can produce heat projected on your shingles and cause the granules to start falling off over the years, once you find lots of granules, then it could be the indication that your shingles are failing and you’ll need to have your roof replaced by a professional roofing company.

Your roof deserves proper maintenance and care, as it protects your home from disastrous elements. But not every roof can survive forever, so having a new roof replacement done to your home can be the best solution, especially if you find yourself dealing with ongoing roofing issues that you constantly need to have repaired. Proper maintenance to your roof will certainly prolong the longevity of your roof. However neglection to your roof can shorten the lifespan and you can find yourself having to have a new roof replacement done way before the estimated lifespan of your roof. If you notice any of these signs in this article, we highly suggest you contact your local professional roofing company such as Grand Rapids Home Pros to come out and give you an estimate on a new roofing replacement. Contact us today for more details.