
Factors That Can Damage Your Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

When you notice a stain on your home’s ceiling it is usually an indication that your roof is leaking. A roof leak can lead to many damages in the home and it should be repaired as quickly as possible. When your roof starts leaking and you notice a stain or water dripping from your home’s ceiling then getting a roof contractor in Grand Rapids Michigan to come out and make repairs quickly is important. Many people think that only severe weather can damage a roof but there are actually many other factors that can make your home’s roof start to leak and cause damage as well. We’ll take a closer look at each of the problems and what you can do about them.

Factors That Can Damage Your Roofing in Grand Rapids Michigan

Keeping your roof in good working order means from time to time you’ll need to check on it. Many home owners never think about the roof until there is a problem but with regular maintenance and inspections you can add many years of life to your home’s roof. Simple things such as trimming back trees around the home and making sure gutters are clear can help prevent some of the damages mentioned below to your home’s roof.

Roof Damage in Grand Rapids Michigan (1)

Here are some of the factors that may lead to a roof leak on your home: 

The Age of Your Roofing

One of the biggest factors when it comes to roof damage is the age of your home’s roof. More to the point of the condition of the roofing in fact. As the roofing on your home ages it starts to break down. Older roofs can be more easily damaged than newer roofs. Since most roofing materials are designed to protect your home from 15 to 25 years after that time has passed the roofing begins to break down and will become more easily damaged by any of these other factors:

Damage From Weather Events

There are many weather events that can damage your roof. Severe weather can lead to damage on almost any roof but if your roof is older it can be more easily damaged. Two of the biggest problems when it comes to weather is high winds and hail stones impacting the roof. High winds can break shingles and expose the roof decking which can lead to a roof leak. Wind can also damage other roof components such as flashing as well. Hail storms can bring larger hail stones which impact the roof and can pierce the roofing surface causing a roof leak. Usually, each of the problems are usually widespread so you may have additional roof leaks as well.

Damage From Wildlife

One factor that many people don’t think about is wildlife damaging your roof. Birds and rodents can build nests in vents which means the roof is not properly ventilated and that can cause problems on your roof. Other critters that scurry about on the roof can also cause damage and well especially if they try to chew their way through to your home’s attic in some way. Look for signs of wildlife damage on your home’s roof.

Damage From Improper Installation

Another problem that can affect even newer roofing is improper installation of the roof. If your roof was not installed correctly it can be more easily damaged. Make sure you only use licensed and insured roofing contractors to install or repair your home’s roof.

Damage from Failing Roof Components

The roofing surface or shingles is only a part of the overall roofing system. There are other components to the roof which can fail and cause a problem on the roof. Flashing that becomes damaged in some way or even clogged gutters can lead to a roof leak. The best way to check these things is to get a full roof inspection on the home each year.

Get a Roof Inspection if You Suspect Damages

Knowing your roof is in good shape can give you much better peace of mind as well as a home that is well protected. At Grand Rapids Home Pros we can inspect your home’s roof for damages and if there are problems we can repair them on site. Contact us today to learn more and make an appointment for your home’s roof inspection in Grand Rapids Michigan.